TDD distilled in Java

Friday, 18th of March  – 2 pm to 4 pm

Manuela Munaretto, Ivan Lombardi Borgia

WARNING: seats are limited, booking is recommended.

Access to Labs is allowed to Codemotion Conference Ticket holders.

An amazing opportunity for all coders to get introduced to the basics of test-driven development in a 2 hours intensive practice.
In this workshop you will code a kata in Java, starting from a given scaffold, so you can focus on the fundamental steps of TDD. You will learn how to practice your TDD skills; how to drive your code and design decisions with tests; how to refactor your code with no fear; how to keep control of your design. Lab will be organised in 4 sessions of 25 minutes: an intro to TDD, then 2 sessions of coding and the final retrospective so you can share your feedback.
How to participate:

  • Book you seat!
  • Bring with you your laptop!
  • Set up your editor/IDE to run JUnit based tests
  • Install GIT client


  • previous knowledge of Java programming

Language: Italian

Level: Beginner

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