Download agenda
Room N10Room N11Room N1Room N5Room DS1Room N13Room N14Room N3
09:00 / 09:30Doors open
09:30 / 09:45Opening by Codemotion
09:45 / 10:00Keynote

Keynote Microsoft: Time flies when you're having fun! How Microsoft changed in the last two years by Lorenzo Barbieri

10:10 / 10:50Keynote

Keynote - Room N10: Myths and Patterns of Organizational Change by Linda Rising

Keynote - Room N11: Costs of the Cult of Expertise by Jessica Rose

10:50 / 11:20Coffee Break
11:20 / 12:00

Reactive Programming with JavaScript


Giorgio Natili (Akamai Technologies)

Surviving Code Reviews


Lorna Mitchell (IBM)

Fun with Functional Programming in Clojure


John Stevenson (Salesforce)

Wearable Botnets and Happy Hacked Drivers


Andrea Pompili (Cy4gate)

Costruiamo un Rover in 60 minuti

Makers / IoT

Marco Dal Pino (Microsoft), Marco Minerva (Sharp Design)

Real Time Monitoring and Analitycs : Customer Experience in Production


Simone Cellini (NTTDATA Italia S.P.A.), Simone Gaddeo (NTTData)

NoSQL on the move


Glynn Bird (IBM)

Quanto sono intelligenti i videogiochi di strategia?

Game Dev

Alessio Falsetti (Imagimotion Srl)

12:20 / 13:00

Refactoring to a Single Page Application


Marcello Teodori (Alfresco)

Software architecture...Yes, on tests!


Annarita De Biase (Soldo), Miro Barsocchi (, Camillo Quatrini (

DiversITy matters


Juliette Reinders Folmer (Advies en zo), Wouter Groenewold (GH+O Communication & Creation)

OWASP for Developers


Matteo Meucci (Minded Security)

IoT end-to-end: porta i tuoi dati dal sensore al cloud

Makers / IoT

Erica Barone (Microsoft)

What's NOT new in Modular Java!


Milen Dyankov (AxonIQ)

Maker Experience: user centered toolkit for makers

Makers / IoT

Mino Parisi (Fifth Beat)

Useless interactions for useful responses: engaging players emotionally with bad game design

Game Dev

Mattia Traverso (Freelancer)

13:00 / 14:00Take your Codemotion Lunch Box
13:00 / 14:00{CODE} Factor - The Code Contest of Codemotion - Grand Final in the Hackgarden
14:00 / 15:00

Polymer is production ready, how about you?


Maurizio Mangione (Boolean)

From object oriented to functional domain modeling


Mario Fusco (Red Hat)

coming soon

Writing Security (unit/integration) Tests using the OWASP O2 Platform


Dinis Cruz (OWASP O2 Platform)

Internet of Ideas: Paper Electronics

Makers / IoT

Nino Guarnacci (Salesforce), Andrea Bosis (Politecnico di Milano)

Codice iPhone lavato a caldo: come "restringere" la tua app per Apple Watch


Francesco Ingrassia (Freelancer), Marco Passariello (Open Reply), Salvatore Ferranti (Open Reply)

coming soon

Virtual Reality 101: development tips for moving experiences

Game Dev

Fabio Mosca (AnotheReality)

15:20 / 16:00

Microservices - the lean way (NodeJS)


Bruno Bossola (Meterian)

Come costruire una Platform As A Service con Docker, Kubernetes Go e Java


Massimiliano Dessì (Red Hat)

Design is your business too


Emanuela Damiani (Mozilla, Firefox)

DrDoS - La cura


Roger Cataldi (Indipendent)

Angular 2: core concepts


Fabio Biondi (Freelance), Matteo Ronchi (Workwave)

Cutomize and Control Connected Devices

Makers / IoT

Mirco Vanini (proxima software)

Dove sono i tuoi vertici e di cosa stanno parlando?


Roberto Franchini (Stealth startup)

Grafica e modellazione digitale nei videogame

Game Dev

Alice Lomiry (Direct2Brain)

16:20 / 17:00

Microservice in practice with Seneca.js


Michele Capra (nearForm)

JavaScript in 2016


Eduard Tomàs (Plain Concepts)

Elm or how I learned to love front-end development


Marco Perone (MV Labs)

Storia e storie degli hacker della sicurezza informatica


Stefano Chiccarelli (Quantum Leasp s.r.l.), Francesco Perna (Quantum Leap), Lucia Zappacosta (Metro Olografix)

coming soon

Developing Augmented Reality on Smart Glasses


Mauro Rubin (JoinPad Srl), Niccolò Mangiarotti (JoinPad)

Are Drones our best friends?

Makers / IoT

Nicola Marietti (Aibotix Italia)

Sviluppare giochi in Italia, da hobby a lavoro.

Game Dev

Daniele Bianchini (Looky Games)

17:20 / 18:00Closing Keynote

Closing Keynote - Room 1- New Era of Software with modern Application Security By Dinis Cruz

11:20 / 12:00 Room N10

Reactive Programming with JavaScript

Giorgio Natili

Room 123 / Building G

11:20 / 12:00 Room N1

Fun with Functional Programming in Clojure

John Stevenson

Room 123 / Building G

12:20 / 13:00 Room N13

What's NOT new in Modular Java!

Milen Dyankov

Room 123 / Building G

14:00 / 15:00 Room N11

From object oriented to functional domain modeling

Mario Fusco

Room 123 / Building G

16:20 / 17:00 Room N1

Elm or how I learned to love front-end development

Marco Perone

Room 123 / Building G

11:20 / 12:00 Room N14

NoSQL on the move

Glynn Bird

Room 123 / Building G

14:00 / 15:00 Room N13
11:20 / 12:00 Room N3

Quanto sono intelligenti i videogiochi di strategia?

Alessio Falsetti

Room 123 / Building G

12:20 / 13:00 Room N3
14:00 / 15:00 Room N3
15:20 / 16:00 Room N3

Grafica e modellazione digitale nei videogame

Alice Lomiry

Room 123 / Building G

16:20 / 17:00 Room N3

Sviluppare giochi in Italia, da hobby a lavoro.

Daniele Bianchini

Room 123 / Building G

11:20 / 12:00 Room N5

Wearable Botnets and Happy Hacked Drivers

Andrea Pompili

Room 123 / Building G

12:20 / 13:00 Room N5

OWASP for Developers

Matteo Meucci

Room 123 / Building G

14:00 / 15:00 Room N5
15:20 / 16:00 Room N5

DrDoS - La cura

Roger Cataldi

Room 123 / Building G

16:20 / 17:00 Room N5

Storia e storie degli hacker della sicurezza informatica

Stefano Chiccarelli

Room 123 / Building G

11:20 / 12:00 Room N11

Surviving Code Reviews

Lorna Mitchell

Room 123 / Building G

12:20 / 13:00 Room N1

DiversITy matters

Juliette Reinders Folmer

Room 123 / Building G

15:20 / 16:00 Room N1

Design is your business too

Emanuela Damiani

Room 123 / Building G

16:20 / 17:00 Room N13

Developing Augmented Reality on Smart Glasses

Mauro Rubin

Room 123 / Building G

15:20 / 16:00 Room N11
11:20 / 12:00 Room DS1

Costruiamo un Rover in 60 minuti

Marco Dal Pino

Room 123 / Building G

12:20 / 13:00 Room N14

Maker Experience: user centered toolkit for makers

Mino Parisi

Room 123 / Building G

12:20 / 13:00 Room DS1

IoT end-to-end: porta i tuoi dati dal sensore al cloud

Erica Barone

Room 123 / Building G

14:00 / 15:00 Room DS1

Internet of Ideas: Paper Electronics

Nino Guarnacci

Room 123 / Building G

15:20 / 16:00 Room N13

Cutomize and Control Connected Devices

Mirco Vanini

Room 123 / Building G

16:20 / 17:00 Room N14

Are Drones our best friends?

Nicola Marietti

Room 123 / Building G

11:20 / 12:00 Room N13
12:20 / 13:00 Room N11

Software architecture...Yes, on tests!

Annarita De Biase

Room 123 / Building G

15:20 / 16:00 Room N14

Dove sono i tuoi vertici e di cosa stanno parlando?

Roberto Franchini

Room 123 / Building G

15:20 / 16:00 Room N10

Microservices - the lean way (NodeJS)

Bruno Bossola

Room 123 / Building G

16:20 / 17:00 Room N10

Microservice in practice with Seneca.js

Michele Capra

Room 123 / Building G

12:20 / 13:00 Room N10

Refactoring to a Single Page Application

Marcello Teodori

Room 123 / Building G

14:00 / 15:00 Room N10

Polymer is production ready, how about you?

Maurizio Mangione

Room 123 / Building G

16:20 / 17:00 Room N11

JavaScript in 2016

Eduard Tomàs

Room 123 / Building G

15:20 / 16:00 Room DS1

Angular 2: core concepts

Fabio Biondi

Room 123 / Building G