WeBox Studio

Open Position:

JavaScript Full-­stack Developer – Buona conoscenza di HTML e CSS3 – Ottima conoscenza di JavaScript – Confidenza con le principali metodologie di Agile Development Sono un plus: Meteor, AngularJS, MongoDB, Node.js, GIT, bower e npm.

Company profile:

WeBox Studio è un solido team di Web & Software Developers, Graphic Designers, e Marketers che opera con passione nel campo delle web solutions. Mettiamo insieme product design and development, brand communication, connessioni social e strategie di marketing innovative per aiutare il tuo business a crescere.

WeBox Studio is a solid team of Web & Software Developers, Graphic Designers, and Marketers passionate about the Web and focused on Web solutions. We bring together product design and development, brand communications, social connections and innovative marketing strategies to help your business’ growth.


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