Accenture Technology Positions

Open positions:

Java Analyst and Developer

Java Architect Consultant

SAP Specialist

Neograduate in Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni, Ingegneria Elettronica, Ingegneria Informatica, Informatica, Matematica e Fisica

Details below


Position: Java Analyst and Developer

The ideal candidate possesses excellent analysis and synthesis skills, deals with safety and competence the issues related to the software development and is able to carry out technical / functional specifics in complete autonomy. Expert in implementing Java and J2EE components in line with the standards defined by the pattern of the main framework.


– Degree or diploma in technical disciplines

– Experience from 1 to 6 years in software development in open systems and related tools / environments in architecture web development (Java, J2EE, Javascript)

– Knowledge of Java/J2EE and major frameworks (Struts, Spring & Hibernate)

– Preferred skills will be considered: knowledge of service-oriented technologies (WebServices, Rest-JSON), RDBMS (Oracle, MySql) and mobile (Android, iOS, Html5, jQuery)

– Good knowledge of English and Italian

What’s in it for you?

Our Accenture professionals receive comprehensive training covering business acumen, technical and professional skills development. You’ll also have opportunities to hone your functional skills and expertise in an area of specialization. We offer a variety of formal and informal training programs at a number of levels to help you acquire and build specialized skills faster. Learning takes place both on the job and through formal training conducted online, in the classroom, or in collaboration with company-acknowledged Subject Matter Experts. The sheer variety of work we do, and the experience it offers, provide an unbeatable platform from which to build and further develop your career. Enjoy challenging and interesting work that requires innovation and creativity. Your entrepreneurial spirit and vision will be encouraged and rewarded, and your success will fuel opportunities for increased impact and rapid career advancement. You’ll also build the deep, valuable industry and functional expertise that will keep you relevant as you grow your career.

Seniority level: Senior

Contract type: Indeterminate

Working location: Milan, Turin, Rome, Naples, Cagliari and Verona (Italy)

If you’re interested, please contact:


Position: Java Architect

Il candidato idoneo possiede ottime capacità di analisi e sintesi, affronta con sicurezza e competenza le vaste problematiche legate alle architetture Java basate su framework di mercato ed è in grado di gestire il ciclo di vita dello sviluppo del software in piena autonomia. Esperto nell’implementazione di componenti J2EE in linea con gli standard definiti dai pattern dei principali framework.


– Laurea in discipline tecnico-scientifiche

– Esperienza da 2 a 6 anni maturata nel disegno di architetture e nello sviluppo software su piattaforma Java, e nell’uso dei principali pattern

– Conoscenza dei principali framework (es. jQuery, AngularJS, Spring, Hibernate) e del linguaggio HTML5

– Costituirà titolo preferenziale la conoscenza delle metodologie e dei framework di sviluppo di mobile app su piattaforme Android e iOS.

Cosa ti offriamo

I professionisti Accenture ricevono un percorso formativo finalizzato a fornire un’eccellente formazione tecnica e uno sviluppo delle competenze professionali. In Accenture avrai la possibilità di affinare le tue capacità funzionali in una specifica area; offriamo, infatti, una varietà di programmi suddivisi in differenti livelli, per aiutarti ad acquisire velocemente competenze specifiche. L’apprendimento avviene sia “on-the-job” sia attraverso la formazione online, in aula o in collaborazione con aziende specializzate. Entra a far parte di un mondo sfidante che richiede innovazione e creatività. Il tuo spirito imprenditoriale e la tua immaginazione saranno incoraggiati e premiati, e il vostro successo alimenterà le opportunità per un rapido percorso professionale. La varietà di business e l’esperienza che Accenture offre rappresentano un punto di partenza unico per costruire e sviluppare la tua carriera.

Seniority level: Senior

Contract type: Indeterminate

Working location: Milan (Italy)

If you’re interested, please contact:


Position: Consultant

Accenture’s Cloud First Application Practice is seeking talented Professionals to join our growing team. By joining Accenture you can make great ideas happen for some of the world’s most dynamic companies while working for a world class SFDC consulting organization. represents the largest share of our Cloud Applications business and we’re seeing more cloud-enabled transformation programs in the pipeline than ever, increasingly connected to our customers’ success. has recognized Accenture as having the largest dedicated practice of any global service provider. As evidence of our leadership, Accenture was named a leader by IDC in their report: “MarketScape Implementation Services Leader Worldwide, April 2015” ranking Accenture on top in terms of both current capabilities and future strategies. We are looking for motivated senior consultants with a proven track record in their chosen area of CRM expertise to be part of teams on client-facing engagements.

Basic Qualifications:

– Bachelor’s Degree

– 3+ years of implementation experience

– Ability to travel

Core Qualifications:

– Experience working with business process and development teams to design, implement and deploy applications to different clients at the enterprise level

– Ability to develop business requirements and functional designs to effectively demonstrate solutions that address customer requirements

– Ability to facilitate requirements and design sessions

– Design through deploy experience

– certifications (Admin, Sales or Service Cloud Consultant)

Preferred Skills Requirements:

– Outstanding Presentation and Demo skills

– Configuration on sales, service and/or marketing cloud

– Understanding of key SFDC architectural concepts

– Understanding of overall SFDC architecture and knowledge of ecosystems (e.g. CPQ solutions, Order Management solution, ecc)

Complementary Skills:

– VisualForce development, including VisualForce UI elements and Javascript elements

– Utilising both Visual Force and JavaScript UI elements in building out and maintaining custom applications

– Background with technical architecture and security concepts (integration patterns, architecture styles, data security).

– Relational databases and data modelling

What’s in it for you?

Our Accenture professionals receive comprehensive training covering business acumen, technical and professional skills development. You’ll also have opportunities to hone your functional skills and expertise in an area of specialization. We offer a variety of formal and informal training programs at a number of levels to help you acquire and build specialized skills faster. Learning takes place both on the job and through formal training conducted online, in the classroom, or in collaboration with company-acknowledged Subject Matter Experts. The sheer variety of work we do, and the experience it offers, provide an unbeatable platform from which to build and further develop your career. Enjoy challenging and interesting work that requires innovation and creativity. Your entrepreneurial spirit and vision will be encouraged and rewarded, and your success will fuel opportunities for increased impact and rapid career advancement. You’ll also build the deep, valuable industry and functional expertise that will keep you relevant as you grow your career.

Seniority level: Senior

Contract type: Indeterminate

Working location: Milan, Turin, Rome, Cagliari and Naples (Italy)

If you’re interested, please contact:


Position: SAP Specialist

You will take on increasing responsibility in the areas of functional and technical analysis, in the customization, implementation and management of the applications. You will coordinate a work group, work within an international team and interface with the clients.


– Degree in technical/economics subjects

– From 2 to 5 years experience working on the implementation of SAP projects in technical and/or functional analysis and in setting up of the test cases

– Knowledge of one or more of the following modules:




o HR, Success Factor

o BI, BW


– Project experience on the SAP verticals like ISU, IS-OIL, MEDIA, AFS, RETAIL

– Competency in SAP Hana and/or SAP Mobile environments, NetWeaver, SAP Basis Administration

– Able to maintain good relationships with clients

– Able to coordinate and manage work groups

– Good knowledge of English

– Available to travel both nationally and internationally

What’s in it for you?

Our Accenture professionals receive comprehensive training covering business acumen, technical and professional skills development. You’ll also have opportunities to hone your functional skills and expertise in an area of specialization. We offer a variety of formal and informal training programs at a number of levels to help you acquire and build specialized skills faster. Learning takes place both on the job and through formal training conducted online, in the classroom, or in collaboration with company-acknowledged Subject Matter Experts. The sheer variety of work we do, and the experience it offers, provide an unbeatable platform from which to build and further develop your career. Enjoy challenging and interesting work that requires innovation and creativity. Your entrepreneurial spirit and vision will be encouraged and rewarded, and your success will fuel opportunities for increased impact and rapid career advancement. You’ll also build the deep, valuable industry and functional expertise that will keep you relevant as you grow your career.

Seniority level: Senior

Contract type: Indeterminate

Working location: Milan, Turin, Rome, Cagliari and Naples (Italy)

If you’re interested, please contact:


Position: Neograduate in Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni, Ingegneria Elettronica, Ingegneria Informatica, Informatica, Matematica e Fisica

Cerchiamo neolaureati in Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni, Ingegneria Elettronica, Ingegneria Informatica, Informatica, Matematica e Fisica – per assunzioni in Accenture Technology


Al termine dell’iter di selezione, avrai l’opportunità di partecipare ad un intenso programma di formazione teorico-pratico, di livello base o avanzato a seconda del tuo grado di preparazione, sui principali linguaggi di programmazione. Superate le prove finali del corso, sarai inserito in Accenture Technology. Lavorerai in un contesto giovane e parteciperai a progetti presso importanti aziende italiane. La diffusione di informazioni e i nostri piani training strutturati ti permetteranno di accrescere costantemente la tua professionalità. In Accenture Technology avrai accesso al patrimonio di metodologie e strumenti di Accenture e, all’interno di team eterogenei, sarai circondato da persone brillanti e piene di risorse con cui scambiare opinioni e dalle quali imparare. Requisiti: – Laurea di primo o secondo livello in Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni, Ingegneria Elettronica, Ingegneria Informatica, Informatica, Matematica e Fisica – Forte interesse per l’attività di programmazione e motivazione ad una crescita in ambito IT – Attitudine al lavoro di gruppo.

La formazione rappresenta per noi uno strumento strategico. Ti guideremo nel raggiungimento di maggiori responsabilità attraverso un percorso professionale prettamente tecnico e piani di training personalizzati e focalizzati sullo sviluppo delle tue competenze in ambito informatico e metodologico. Completata la prima fase di formazione in aula e sul campo, potrai accedere a un esclusivo programma di certificazione, sviluppato da Accenture Solutions Delivery Academy in partnership con il prestigioso Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professional Education Programs, che ti abiliterà a livello internazionale come “Application Developer” e “Application Designer”. Se sei alla ricerca di un’opportunità professionale che ti consenta di diventare uno specialista di Information Technology, Accenture Technology è il posto che fa per te.

Seniority level: Recent graduate

Contract type: Indeterminate

Working location: Milano, Napoli, Cagliari, Roma, Torino e Verona (Italy)

If you’re interested, please contact:



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